Purchase new 433Mhz remote control key

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Re: Purchase new 433Mhz remote control key

Beitragvon Samstrike 68 » 12.02.2024 13:42

mikelgrey hat geschrieben:
Miky2147 hat geschrieben:Hello, I'm writing to you from Italy, I have a 1999 BMW Z3 2.8 and I need to buy a new remote control key (433 MHZ, right?). I contacted 2 different BMW workshops and they told me that it can no longer be ordered. I saw on HUBAUER that a set was available that includes the remote control key I need, code 51 21 1 000 226. Is this the correct code? I said "It was available" because it was until last Wednesday afternoon... Now the link is no longer valid https://www.hubauer-shop.de/de/satz-sch ... 00226.html
Is it sold out just now that I needed it, after 25 years? I had also printed the corresponding page which I attach. I only know HUBAUER, can anyone suggest where I can find it alternatively? Thank you

Dear friend
The BMW Dealership told me exact the same information two Months ago.
Here you can read it.
Zusätzliche Schlüssel Z3
But you don't have to buy the Key at the BMW Dealership.
You can buy your Key Here
You send the Dealer a picture of your current Key, and he creates you a new Key.
With this Key, you can open every Lock Cylinder except the Trunk.
The Trunk Lock cylinder don't work.

For your Wireless Open an Close you have to use a certain order in your Car.
1. open the door (if necessary, unlock it manually)
2. close the door
3. switch on the ignition
4. switch off the ignition
5. remove the key
6. Press and hold the left button
7. Press the middle button three times
8. release both buttons
9. The Car Show you the right programming. It will Close and Open one time.

Electronic immobilizer
You have to programming the electronic Immobilizer.
How to do it, you can read Here.
Re: Wir erstellen Reparaturanleitungen - wer macht mit?
There is a PDF File and also an additional note and good Tip from the USER @oldscool
Have a good and Sunny day in Italy and good weather to Drive your "Zetti"
Many Greats

Ist der eBay Link wirklich der richtige für einen Z3 Schlüssel, frage da das Z3 Modell dort nicht aufgeführt ist, nur den Z4 sehe ich dort, ich würde nämlich auch einen Schlüssel benötigen und mir dort mal einen bestellen.
Is the eBay link really the right one for a Z3 key, I ask because the Z3 model is not listed there, I only see the Z4 there, because I would also need a key and order one there.
Samstrike 68
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Z3 coupe 2.8 (05/2000)



Re: Purchase new 433Mhz remote control key

Beitragvon OldsCool » 12.02.2024 15:18

Yes, link is confirmed. The web shown in the pictures is a E46/Z4 type. But no worries, based on the picture of the key you send in, you will get the correct key web. Z3 is technically a E36 which is listed, and the remote is all the same (works on E46/Z4 as well).
Did it for 4 keys for both my Z3.

Best regards,

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Z3 roadster 1.9i (03/1999)


Z3 roadster 2.8 (01/2000)



Re: Purchase new 433Mhz remote control key

Beitragvon Miky2147 » 12.02.2024 15:27

Ok in my case I'm thinking of not having the seller mill the key because I would prefer to have it done by the BMW workshop. I think the milling from the BMW workshop will be more precise than the milling the seller will get based on the photos. What do you think?

Alter: 28
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Z3 roadster 2.8 (07/1999)



Re: Purchase new 433Mhz remote control key

Beitragvon OldsCool » 12.02.2024 16:11

Not at all :lol:
The BMW Dealer cannot mill you anything. He just orders the keys from factory/supplier.
Based on your picture, your key will be decoded. With the key code, the key is milled on a professional machine. It's not a copy of your potentially worn-out key like on a profiling machine, but a brand new key with sharp edges based on the code.

No worries... The only difference to the OEM key is that the angle of the milling at the tip is not 100% similar. It's not an issue on the door and ignition lock, just won't fit right away on the trunk lock (2 min of filing and it's fine). This is a very acceptable trade-off for 1/10th of the OEM pricing :wink:
I don't want to publicly post my keys here to show you, but Mikel did in the post linked already. Also you can find comparison pictures here. This is the master thread about keys and reveals all details and our In-depth experiences. Google translate will help you understand the written, but the pictures tell much.

Best regards,
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Z3 roadster 1.9i (03/1999)


Z3 roadster 2.8 (01/2000)



Re: Purchase new 433Mhz remote control key

Beitragvon Miky2147 » 12.02.2024 17:10

OldsCool hat geschrieben:This is a very acceptable trade-off for 1/10th of the OEM pricing :wink:

Thank you for your explanation. As I already said, it should be the BMW workshop that reimburses me for the cost of the new key so I am exclusively evaluating the option of getting a new key of perfect quality. I don't care if it's the cheapest solution, considering that everything will have to be refunded to me.
I'm already annoyed by the fact that I have to deal with this situation instead of the BMW workshop! If the only possibility of getting a new key for my Z3 is to buy it from an unofficial seller on the internet and then request a refund for this purchase from the BMW workshop, I will do this. What is certain is that I would be happier to get a new OEM key, if it still existed.

Alter: 28
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Registriert: 09.02.2024 20:52
Wohnort: Macerata, Italy

Z3 roadster 2.8 (07/1999)



Re: Purchase new 433Mhz remote control key

Beitragvon OldsCool » 12.02.2024 18:51

I understand. But you won't get an OEM remote key any more within short time. The key web quality is absolutely no issue. As pointed out, there is a tradeoff with the remote buttons, they are not as smooth as original (modification on how to solve that also posted in the main thread).
Again, I would claim for 1 or even 2 OEM keys without remote (whatever is still available) to get valid transponders for your vehicle, and then get new remotes from ebay and just put the valid transponders in. Least amount of time wasted, no technical skills needed.
Otherwise, try claiming the money for a new OEM remote (~250€ lately) and put that money in 2 new keys from ebay (~50€), shipping the Immobilizer ECU back and forth or buying a 20€ AK90 programmer for the transponders and get things going. For the rest you get lots of fuel to burn in upcoming Summer :D

Best regards,
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Z3 roadster 1.9i (03/1999)


Z3 roadster 2.8 (01/2000)



Re: Purchase new 433Mhz remote control key

Beitragvon Miky2147 » 17.02.2024 20:53

Hello, I ordered the replacement key from the "e-bacho" seller you suggested. I'll let you know when it arrives. In the meantime, I found a person who can sell this key which was from a 1997 E36 SERIE 3 320ì TOURING. I would like to ask if anyone can tell me if it would be possible to use this remote with my 1999 Z3. It's compatible? Is it 433Mhz? Would it be possible to use the remote control of this one and transfer the milled key that I will receive from the eBay seller "e-bacho" to it? Or would there be any other way? Thank you

Alter: 28
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Registriert: 09.02.2024 20:52
Wohnort: Macerata, Italy

Z3 roadster 2.8 (07/1999)



Re: Purchase new 433Mhz remote control key

Beitragvon OldsCool » 17.02.2024 22:10

Yes, this should be compatible. But the key from ebay should come with a remote as well if you took the one in the link for 25€. No further parts necessary.

5 Jahre Mitgliedschaft5 Jahre Mitgliedschaft5 Jahre Mitgliedschaft5 Jahre Mitgliedschaft5 Jahre Mitgliedschaft
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Registriert: 05.06.2019 14:08
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Z3 roadster 1.9i (03/1999)


Z3 roadster 2.8 (01/2000)



Re: Purchase new 433Mhz remote control key

Beitragvon Miky2147 » 17.02.2024 22:49

OldsCool hat geschrieben:Yes, this should be compatible. But the key from ebay should come with a remote as well if you took the one in the link for 25€. No further parts necessary.


Yes I know the ebay key will come with the working remote. I am evaluating this additional key for the sole purpose of having an original OEM remote control key, if the possibility exists. What I would like to know is: if I buy that key, will I be able to use it with my Z3? To use it I will have to change the "blade" of the key (is this possible or is it a single non-removable block?) and put another transponder from another original key, right? While to program the remote control will I have to do the same procedure indicated for the replica sold on eBay? Thank you

Alter: 28
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Registriert: 09.02.2024 20:52
Wohnort: Macerata, Italy

Z3 roadster 2.8 (07/1999)




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